what happened to my face

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Yesterday was my second day back at the office after vacation and goodness gracious, I was kind of glad to be there! We really enjoyed getting to spend time with my parents and taking Rylan skiing for the first time (ahh I will share pictures!) but I don't think my skin could take anymore. That dry air and the cold - most people return from vacation looking refreshed and relaxed, I look more like I should have never left. I ordered the DDF facial cleanser yesterday and it arrives tonight (thank you Amazon Prime) so we'll see if it helps. If not, I might call in sick until spring. Which I would think was ridiculous if I hadn't seen it myself. I haven't worn an ounce of makeup in over a week, sending the message that I adopted a very natural lifestyle in Colorado. 

Oh, and Amazon Prime - I thought it was a huge waste of money until Ian forgot to cancel the trial and we accidentally subscribed for a year (or divine intervention) and now, it's completely contributing to my online shopping problem. THEY HAVE ONE CLICK ORDERING. 

Hope you're having a happy weekend!

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