currently crushing #pinterest

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Can you imagine getting married at a church like that? Swoon.  Have a good weekend :)

umbrella dranks

Friday, April 25, 2014
Phew, wedding planning is super fun but thinking and re-thinking all the details can make me a little crazy. Not bridezilla crazy but I need a bottle of wine and a nap crazy. I had my second dress fitting this weekend and I'm only one more away from taking it home with me! Hard to believe in two months that Ian and I are going to be married. Eeeeeek!

Also, Etsy is my bff. I have been either buying everything I love or getting the inspiration to re-create it on my own. Which doesn't always work out but a girl can try to save money somehwere right? Especially since my dress alterations ended up around $750... which was 3 times as much as I was quoted.

So to ease the stress we booked our post wedding trip to St. Thomas last night! We'll be spending our first week together as a family on the beach. Perfection. Ian and I are also going on a "honeymoon" to Hawaii in October so we have some alone time too :) Thank goodness for credit card points! Between both of those trips we spent $0 on airfare. Here are some of the things I'll be toting along. Happy Friday!!

beach essentials 2014



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