
Friday, February 21, 2014
Ian, Rylan and I are en route to Breckenridge, Colorado to ski with our parents. We hit the jackpot this because both sets of folks are in the same place and we can all be together with one trip :)

I travel a lot internationally for work so an airport is no big thang when I'm flying solo. Well, minus the sheer terror in flight whenever we hit a bump. But add a two year old in there and you never know what you're going to get. I have seen some serious meltdowns over the years and I'll be real, soooometimes I was a little judgey. So I felt like I had some karma coming my way. 

But color me shocked, Rylan is doing GREAT and we're surprising ourselves at how ready we were. He's going to be one of those screaming kids one day but hey, it's not today! So we congratulated each other with a little Tito's in our OJ. 

Bring on the mountains, snow & après ski! 

If you want to see more pictures of our trip, follow me on Twitter (@megan__carter) or Instagram (@mleighcarter). 


pep-pep-peppermint mocha

Saturday, February 15, 2014
Homemade coffee creamer. O. M. G.

Anyone else spend a small fortune on Starbucks every month? I can't help myself, I live by caffeine. Without it I would die never get anything done. 

I stopped buying coffeemate over a year ago and switched to half & half. A month or two of that and I started thinking I might be pregnant... And then confirmed it was juuuust the fat giving me a baby belly. 

So I went to whole, then 2% and then I was bored. Plain coffee, errrryday. Even the flavored coffee wasn't cutting it. So I randomly looked up homemade creamers on Pinterest and clearly Pinterest delivered. When doesn't it? 

I found over forty flavors!! Insane. It was tough picking my first one but peppermint mocha hit my chocolate nerve and I only needed two ingredients from the store. 

Can I just tell you? This is seriously worth making. It lasted the entire week (and more if Ian hadn't found it) and tasted just as good as my morning cup of fancy Joe from the drive thru Bucks up the road. I topped it off with whipped cream - a must - and peppermint pieces. 

It's healthier - no additives! - and you can make it with the milk of your choice. (I used 2% .)

1 can sweetened condensed milk
1-1/2 cups milk
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon peppermint extract

Mix it all in a resealable container and use by the date on your milk! I just tried vanilla caramel this morning and so far the peppermint mocha wins by a long shot. Enjoy and happy weekend :)

how i met my fella

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
It was nearing the end of fall and you know how that goes, you start getting a little bored with the increasingly chilly weather and you wonder what you're going to do all winter long. I had spent the summer with my girlfriends, going out in the city on the nights Rylan was with his dad. But pick up lines probably work better when you start with "hey baby" and not "I have a baby." (Disclaimer: "Hey baby" isn't really okay either.)

I honestly worried a lot about ever finding someone. I worried about the right time to start dating. I worried about how to balance being a mom and being a girlfriend if I did find someone. Mostly, I worried about Rylan and how dating would effect him.

I had a weirdly personal conversation with a former single mom that worked in the J Crew dressing room (this happens to me all the time!)  who met her now husband on eHarmony. She was a year or two older than me and super friendly and outgoing. She told me to go home and do it, it was the best thing ever. But I just didn't have the gumption yet.

So one night after a few glasses of red wine I started thinking about that girl, her advice and putting myself back out there. I mentioned it to my friends, who were also drinking wine, and they encouraged me to join eHarmony too. A few clicks and a lot of money later, I was reviewing my matches.

When I woke up the next morning (read: sobered up), I called and tried to cancel but the kind folks in customer service convinced me to stay a few more weeks. But after a couple days I was feeling even more overwhelmed. I had one night a week without Rylan and I refused to leave him with a sitter to accommodate my dating life so it didn't leave me much time to go out. All I can remember thinking is, I don't want to do this. I don't have the energy to date a bunch of guys. Ugh.

After my first "phone date", it got worse. I was all kinds of trauma-tized. "Mike" talked non-stop about himself and mentioned the female uterus several times. I actually took notes during the call to share with my friends, poured a (strong) drink, and convinced myself I was being punk'd.

The same week, I was matched with my baby daddy. End scene.

After that I had all but written eHarmony off. I decided this wasn't really going to happen this go around and I should think about taking it easy and trying again in a year or two.

So I was looking through my matches, hope extinguished, when I opened a communication and looked at this guy's profile. A volunteer firefighter with two labs, we seemed to have a ton in common.We started talking and I grew to be more and more excited each time I opened my email to see something from him there.

We continued for almost a month before he asked me out. And while that may seem extreme, I was all kinds of okay with it since I had more than a rocky start with online dating. A new outfit, a shot of bourbon and a covert Google search to make sure he wasn't a convicted felon later, we met halfway between our places after work one Wednesday night.

The first thing I saw when I walked in was cowboy boots. Lord knows I'm a sucker for some boots.

As it turns out, it was Ian wearing them :)


Monday, February 10, 2014
Believe it or not, this little boy was just getting over a real bout of sickness when these photos were taken. Between Rylan and the snow, we had been in the house for almost two weeks. Two weeks. A warm day snuck in between the storms and so we got out and enjoyed the one wee patch of snow that was left. His outfit is super nice - this is what happens when you're trying to get outside before the sun goes down - striped footie pajamas in sneakers.

Rylan has such a happy heart. He's super determined and very stubborn which makes him a challenge most days. He'll push me to the point of pouring a strong drink and then he'll pull me back in with a random kiss on the cheek. I'm a total sucker for him and he knows it. Of course every mama is, especially with their little boys. I feel even closer to Rylan because we went through so much when I was pregnant with him - he changed my whole life at 23. I left behind the roommates, the bars, the (let's face it) freedom of my early twenties. I bought a house, an SUV and a lot of stress relieving massages ;)

It was an adjustment, sure. I was lonely sometimes, tired most of the time, and only got to visit with friends a few times. But I never really let myself look back.

And even if I had, I'd know life wasn't as good then as it is now.

 Running up and down the one wee patch. It doesn't take much after two weeks inside, folks.

crap, I think I'm supposed to be planning a wedding

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
This is HOW MUCH? Is it too late to elope? Does everyone say that at some point during their engagement?

Ian and I knew pretty much as soon as we started dating that we were each other's biggest fans. We made it officially forever last summer and our wedding is in June, about 10 months after the proposal. I've been back and forth a lot thinking about a wedding - from a big day with everyone there to eloping and keeping it to the most important people in our lives. I swore up and down that I wanted it super small and so we compromised in the beginning and aimed for a 50 person guest list. But once we started writing just family down it became clear that we were going to have to cut some to make that number and everyone wasn't thrilled about that... understandably. So we had a choice - either really elope with the two of us or have a bigger wedding than 50 people.

And so here we are, 120 invited guests and a really expensive dress later :) Oops, I'm that bride. The one that got caught up in all the pretty and has to stop herself before ordering $1,200 in table runners.

(They are amazing, can you blame me?)

The last couple of months I've kind of slacked off. And not because I'm not excited because I AM. I cannot wait to marry Ian! But it seems funny to be doing all this when we already feel married. We live together, we parent together, we're a family together. We want to buy a bigger house to grow into together (and please Lord let it shorten our commutes) but we're spending all this money on one day when it could be a down payment on that house. It almost feels like we're going backwards a bit, just to get that fairytale moment...

But hey, if you're going to do it, make it real nice y'all! Somehow we're only four months away and I couldn't feel more behind. I still need shoes, a veil, programs, ceremony decor, escort cards, favors, out of town guest bags and flowers. Yup, no florist yet, which seems semi-important. Y-i-k-e-s.

Here is a sneak peek at the things that have that have inspired the details so far... even if I haven't actually finished them yet ;)

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